Wrapping Up Our Philanthropic Journey

September 15, 2023

One day after we voted and before we cut the checks, the group started talking about wanting to double check our decision with a little more attention to our two selections.  So, additional phone calls were made to the organizations and more questions were asked that were meant to confirm our understanding that the mission and programs of the organizations were responsive to our concerns.  We also considered site visits.  Our facilitators encouraged us to consider the value that a site visit might bring to our deliberation after all that we accomplished, reminding us that potential donor inquiries are welcomed by organizations but are also time-consuming and sometimes burdensome.  We determined that site visits were not really necessary. 

And so, eight months after we began our strategic philanthropic journey, we sent out the funds.  And since then, our Frank Hannigan has joined the Board of Directors of SAFE and we actively represent them on a pro bono basis in their corporate and tax-exempt issues.

We hope you enjoyed reading about our Strategic Philanthropic Journey.  Let us know if we can be of help on yours!

Donato Dandreo